Remember to Employ Safety First Going on a road trip is an amazing idea and it can turn out to be a rewarding experience, but there are quite a few items you have to place on your to-do list before you head out and embark upon your journey. The first item on your to-do list should be to take your car to a trusted and reliable car maintenance shop. These car … [Read more...] about A Few Tips When Going On A Road Trip
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Visiting Abbey Road
At this point in my life I feel spoiled. Abbey Road, the street crossing shown on one of the most famous Beatles albums, is a lifelong dream destination for many. For me, its an inconvenient tourist site I only visited to satisfy a visiting friend's desire to see it. Many people would kill to walk this crossing. What's my verdict on … [Read more...] about Visiting Abbey Road
The "Car Parade" in Medellin
I don't really like cars. I do not own one and have driven only a handful of times in the past 5 years. So when I found myself at the "Antique Car Show" in Medellin during their famous flower festival it might seem odd. During my first visit to Medellin in August, 2007, my new Colombian friends brought me to the show so I knew what to expect. The show is hilarious! So with my … [Read more...] about The "Car Parade" in Medellin
Time to Kill in Dublin
Due to one particular gentleman, and I use that word very loosely, employed at the UK border, I had to make a border run to Ireland while I was living in London. (He just unilaterally wrote in my passport I had to leave London by an arbitrary date when I returned from Paris. There was no legal basis for this. His reasoning was that "you can't just be traveling around all the … [Read more...] about Time to Kill in Dublin
Halloween for Gringos
Sometimes us gringos think we are the only ones who celebrate holidays. Not only do Colombians celebrate Halloween and Valentines Day, but also others like friendship day for instance. During Haloween 10' my rooomates and I celebrated at Medellin's gaudy nightclub, Mango's. Mango's always outdoes itself, whether the horse head urinals or dancing midgets. Get … [Read more...] about Halloween for Gringos