Traveling is safe for the most part. All you need to do is eat and have a place to sleep. Unless you are traveling through a war zone like parts of Iraq, there is not much to worry about. But when you do feel uncomfortable and find yourself in a sticky situation, some of these less common tips may help.
–Don’t fight back. If some guys want to mug you, let them. Its far more likely that you will lose the fight and get seriously hurt because they probably have weapons. It’s not a good idea to carry pepper spray, a taser, knife, etc. because there is a great chance that you do not know how to use the weapons effectively. On the other hand, if a mugger unexpectedly comes up from behind and starts choking you, then its probably a good idea to try you best and get away (this happened to me). The only other option is to run away, and even that’s not always a great idea.
–Run, don’t walk. If you somehow need to walk a few blocks at night in a dangerous place, run instead of walk. Or if something seems suspicious (a few guys following you), run into the nearest store/hotel.
–Credit cards. Bring a bunch of credit cards on your trip (3-5) and keep one in your wallet with the rest hidden throughout your belongings. Also hide some cash in different parts of your belongings too. I met way too many people sponging off their traveling companion because the one credit card they brought on their trip was lost or stolen.
–Lost. If you need to pull out a map or feel lost, find a quiet place such as the inside of a store or right outside against the opposite side of the wall to do regroup and figure out where you want to go.
-Alone at night. If you find yourself at a shady intersection at night, watch your back as someone can easily come up from behind to attack or mug you.
-Look Confident. In shadier areas, it helps to look confident by walking somewhat fast and not looking over your shoulder every second.
-The Fake Call. In some cities like the taxi drivers are notorious for ripping off or setting up attacks on their passengers. To prevent anything from happening, you should call or pretend to call a friend and say something like ¨I just got into a taxi am going to 100 west drive. The taxi number is 13jh3 and the driver’s name is Juan Carlos¨. This information is always available in the taxi and will make the driver less likely to harm you.
-Thumbs In Your Pocket. When you are in a crowded enough place you should keep your thumbs in your front pockets to protect your wallet and prevent anyone from taking it.
-In Your pants. Carry whatever you absolutely cannot lose in the front of the inside of your pants. This may be a camera, passport, etc. But don’t ever put your wallet there because every mugger knows that you are carrying your wallet and if its not in your pockets then they will probably search elsewhere. This is very effective as one night the three different people I was out with had their cameras stolen, but not mine.
-Don’t Lock your bags. Either put your valuables in the hotel safe or don’t bother locking them at all. Putting locks on your luggage is what will attract thiefs to your bags and not the other ones which are easily accessed. I met way too many people that figured this out after realizing that their bag was the only bag that had locks on it.