I’m back in Philly (2 years now!) and wanted to write about my time in London, which I call a short-term six month stay in hell, also known to some as the Big Smoke or London. That was a tough year and a half for a guy like me: about half the people in London love all things American. But the other half? Yeah, not so much.
Londoners tend to talk the ginormous number of UK startups, and how their entrepreneurs lead the field of brilliant ideas to change the world. But some don’t take a shine to good old American ingenuity. Ahem! Like mine.Life in London sounds pretty amazing until you live there. Oh, sorry. I should’ve said “until one lives there.” Beg pardon, sir!Take a few black hack cabs, ride the double deckers, parrot the London dialects, or ask for directions to Hogwart’s at Victoria Station, and it’s time to move on.
Sheath & Column Wedding DressesObservations about London casinos and recreation
Sheath & Column Wedding DressesObservations about London casinos and recreation
While I lived there, I took in the scenery, dated lots of gorgeous girls, visited the British Museum (the Egyptian exhibits are so amazing, everyone wants to visit and I did), and dined at the best restaurants where I discovered Indian curries and even Armenian food. The Armenian pastry called paklava is the rage, even if they call the same stuff baklava in Philly.You know me: of course I experienced the night life. I always work hard and the casinos were my respite. Work hard, play hard.
I hoped to see the lords and ladies dripping with diamonds at the casinos. People watching at casinos is fascinating and almost as cool as winning. Heh.Luckily for me, there are loads of casinos in London, and almost one on every street corner. William Hill (publicly traded) has lots and Ladbrokes plc does quite a good business there.So I searched for a visited casinos all around London, and always looked for great new venues when I traveled.
Benefits of Internet entrepreneurship
Life in London can be tough, so I took side trips. I visited France, Ireland, Mexico, Panama and Egypt (mind-blowing).Pretty great for a 24-year-old insanely cool Salsa dancer who speaks perfect Gringo Spanish!The best thing about my life since graduation is that I get to choose where I live. My three online businesses allow me to operate from whatever location I choose, and sometimes that’s awesome. I’ve seen Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America.
Life in London can be tough, so I took side trips. I visited France, Ireland, Mexico, Panama and Egypt (mind-blowing).Pretty great for a 24-year-old insanely cool Salsa dancer who speaks perfect Gringo Spanish!The best thing about my life since graduation is that I get to choose where I live. My three online businesses allow me to operate from whatever location I choose, and sometimes that’s awesome. I’ve seen Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America.
There’s always reliable Wi-Fi access in a cafe’ or restaurant to manage my sites and keep the cash rolling in.