I mentioned in an earlier post
that on Sundays we usually cook up a dinner for everyone to eat together. Our most popular meal we liked to cook up was a traditional Argentine asado. The word asado basically means barbecue and we would bbq the following types of meat.
- Asado, which in addition to meaning “grill” or “barbeque,” indicates the rib meat cut across the bones to make a long string of 2-inch cut ribs hooked together.
- Vacio, which is flank steak, but you’ve never tasted anything like it.
- Bife de chorizo, the same as a porterhouse cut, but it’s Argentine beef.
- Bife de lomo, filet mignon.
- Colita de cuadril, literally “calf-tail, ” another cut from the rear of a young cow.
- And many others that would take me pages to list.
Below are a few guys getting ready to start the grill
But in this post I am going to share another great meal, the only Mexican in our house would cook up for us.
Mexican food!
Always so delicious
And for desert…
Gellato! It’s pretty big here in Buenos Aires and pretty convenient with one gellato shop a few blocks from the house.