I am giving away a $100 CAD flight voucher.
How to earn it:
In order to be eligible you must also do something for me. Either retweet, stumble, share on Facebook, etc. the link to this post. Then comment with a link to show proof. Make sure you include a way to contact you in case you win.
The Winner:
I will pick the winner using a random online number generator to choose a number which will correspond to which number comment you posted. Once chosen, I will email the flight voucher code for Flightnetwork.com and announce the winner. The contest ends in one week on December 18th.
Good luck!
Jeremy says
retweeted on WriteThatRight’s twitter!
Locationless Living says
Thanks for entering Jeremy. It looks like you’re in the lead 🙂
Jasmine Stephenson says
Tweeted on http://twitter.com/#!/jasminewanders 🙂
Robin Schroffel says
retweeted by @robinschroffel
Reading: “Giving Away a $100 Flight Voucher | Locationless Living”( http://twitthis.com/idckn8 )
Locationless Living says
Sweet I think that earns you a second entry 🙂
Locationless Living says
You won Jasmine! The random number generator chose # 3. I will email you the flight voucher code now. Congrats.
Jasmine Stephenson says